The next edition of the MultiSport Summer Game with the main goal to promote physical activity in the summer begins on 8 June. This year, as part of the holiday gamification, MultiSport will reward the participants for visiting new sports facilities and regularity in taking up physical activity, which, according to experts, has a significant impact on the strained mental condition of employees after the pandemic.
Building loyalty, or rather, maintaining a strong relationship with the customer – user or employee – is quite popular. We have been organising the MultiSport Summer Game, in which we use gamification both to increase physical activity among our sports card holders and to build awareness of a healthy lifestyle, for several years now. It is an extremely effective and engaging solution. In 2021 alone we managed to engage 23% more people than we anticipated. Interestingly, last year, during the nine weeks of promoting various sports, the Summer Game participants performed a total of 182,000 workouts, which translates into approximately 6,250 days of continuous exercise. Throughout the holiday period, the campaign mobilised Poles to be active in partner sports facilities – says Emilia Rogalewicz, Management Board Member at Benefit Systems.
A game for better wellbeing
Our research shows that 73% of MultiSport users admit that thanks to the MultiSport card they exercise more often, which amounts to about 700,000 people in Poland who, together with us, have developed a habit of regular physical activity, which is extremely important today. It can be said that we have managed to mobilise a whole city the size of Łódź to exercise more frequently. However, we do not intend to stop there. We believe that we can help activate a much larger number of people, also with the help of gamification – adds Emilia Rogalewicz.