Source: Benefit Systems report entitled “Tired, indifferent, uninvolved”
– The beginning of the burnout syndrome is disappointment caused by a large gap between our notions and reality, which often results from unrealistic expectations related to our role at work, relationships, or achievements. Initially, we increase our efforts to meet high expectations but after some time we feel drained and achieve no effects. Frustration and anger are manifested by treating co-workers objectively and even aggressively while the situation is aggravated by the feeling that the results at work are far from our expectations – comments Dr. Elżbieta Lisowska.
First, regeneration
Recent years can be compared to a long-distance run when we do not have time to take a break and regenerate. During the pandemic, many industries and enterprises struggled to survive and then to quickly rebuild their financial condition which significantly burdened many employees mentally and physically. The effects of the changes we have experienced in recent years can be seen in the results of the Benefit Systems survey. One in five working people in our country feels tired even before starting work and one in ten is involved in work to a lesser extent. – Drawing from foreign data, we see that employees’ fatigue has real costs. It is estimated that the exhaustion of American employees costs the US economy 411 billion dollars annually as almost 75% of them declare fatigue before starting work – comments Małgorzata Frankowska, HR Director at Benefit Systems.
Activity to the rescue of the stressed
Physical activity enlarges the hippocampus and improves blood supply to the frontal lobes. These two areas of the brain are the best brake for the amygdalae, which are responsible for “detecting” potential threats and triggering the stress response. Large and efficient hippocampus as well as prefrontal cortices are the parts of the brain that are most needed by people who want to better manage their own reaction in stressful situations. Nothing will support them like regular exercise – says Dr. Iwona Piątkowska, physical culture sciences doctor specialising in the field of biomedical sciences, dietitian and expert in the “Health Full Time” wellbeing programme.
The benefits of regular exercise, which the MultiSport programme users emphasise, also include improved sleep quality, better efficiency at work and better concentration. The impact of regular training on stress reduction is also invaluable. The MultiSport programme users admit that systematic workouts and the right dose of endorphins reduce the level of stress arising at work. In addition, as many as 94% of them admit that physical activity with the card translates into greater energy, motivation and commitment at work. – This result is a good omen for employers who, through sports cards, supporting company teams or other activities promoting sports in the workplace, invest in the health of employees but also in their efficiency and level of commitment – comments Emilia Rogalewicz, Management Board Member at Benefit Systems.
Benefit Systems działa na polskim rynku od ponad dwóch dekad i należy do liderów w dostarczaniu benefitów pozapłacowych, które wspierają dobrostan pracowników. Spółka jest twórcą Programu MultiSport, który umożliwia podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej w obiektach sportowych w całym kraju. W portfolio Benefit Systems jest także platforma kafeteryjna MyBenefit oraz program wellbeingowy MultiLife. Od kilku lat oferta sportowa Spółki jest rozwijana na rynkach zagranicznych, w Czechach, na Słowacji, w Bułgarii czy Chorwacji. Grupa Benefit Systems jest także operatorem ponad 190 klubów fitness na czterech rynkach (w Polsce odpowiada za sieci Zdrofit, Fitness Academy, My Fitness Place, Fabryka Formy, StepONE, S4 Fitness, FitFabric oraz Total Fitness). Ważnym obszarem działań Benefit Systems jest promowanie aktywnego stylu życia na każdym jego etapie, dlatego Spółka realizuje inicjatywy wspierające aktywność fizyczną dzieci, dorosłych oraz seniorów. Od 2018 roku Benefit Systems jest częścią globalnej inicjatywy B Corp, zrzeszającej spółki działające i angażujące się w rozwiązywanie najważniejszych problemów społecznych. Więcej informacji o firmie można znaleźć na