Generation Z is becoming a symbol of changes regarding the need to support employees’ mental health. A friendly atmosphere and a stress-free environment are more important to them than a pay raise and flexible working hours. According to experts, in the new business reality prevention supporting good mental health of young employees will be crucial and free access to sport will play a key role in it: according to 97% of “zoomers” physical activity is a good way to relieve stress related to professional work.
No stress more important than a pay raise
Physical activity is crucial
Tired before work
[1] Raport CPL „Zoomersi w pracy”
[3] Raport CPL „Zoomersi w pracy”
[4] Raport ZPP i Stowarzyszenia HR „Kapitał Zdrowia 2020: Pandemia: punkt zwrotny dla benefitów pracowniczych
[5] Raport Benefit Systems „Zmęczeni, obojętni, niezaangażowani”