According to “The Wellbeing of Poles” report prepared by on behalf of Benefit Systems, we live in an era of polycrisis and we constantly experience stress and a sense of loneliness. As a result, only four out of 10 of us rate their wellbeing as good. How can we take care of our wellbeing in these turbulent times then? It is worth investing in the development of your resilience!

Source: “The Wellbeing of Poles” report

Source: “The Wellbeing of Poles” report
[1] “The Wellbeing of Poles” report.
[2] World Economic Forum, 6 global employers on how to improve workplace mental health, [Accessed: 31.01.2024].
“The wellbeing of Poles” report methodology: In the first stage of the research process, a quantitative survey was conducted on a representative sample of Poles (n = 1004). The survey was carried out using the CAWI method on the research panel, and includes summed indications (0, 1 – very low; 2, 3 – low; 4, 5, 6 – medium; 7, 8 – high; 9, 10 – very high). The survey was used to check what wellbeing means to Poles, what it consists of, what strengthens it, what counteracts it. The general level of wellbeing of Poles and the levels of care for individual areas of wellbeing were determined based on another quantitative survey conducted on a representative sample of Poles (n = 1,014). The survey was conducted by in cooperation with Benefit Systems.
Benefit Systems has been operating on the Polish market for over two decades and is one of the leaders in providing non-financial benefits that support employee well-being. The company is the creator of the MultiSport Programme, which enables physical activity in sports facilities throughout the country. Its portfolio also includes the MyBenefit cafeteria platform and the MultiLife wellbeing programme. For several years now, the company’s sports offer has been developed on foreign markets, including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Croatia. The Benefit Systems Group operates over 240 fitness clubs on four markets (in Poland it is responsible for the Fabryka Formy, FitFabric, Fitness Academy, My Fitness Place, Saturn Fitness, StepONE, Total Fitness and Zdrofit networks). An important area of Benefit Systems activities is the promotion of an active lifestyle at every stage of life, which is why the company implements initiatives supporting physical activity of children, adults, and seniors, also as part of the MultiSport Foundation. Since 2018, Benefit Systems has been part of the global B Corp initiative, bringing together companies operating and engaging in solving the most important social problems. More information can be found at is a forecasting institute that defines the most important trends, describes them and indicates the consequences for the economy, market categories and specific brands. The institute was established by Natalia Hatalska, one of the most influential and recognised experts in the field of analysis, forecasting and research on trends in market-brand-technology-consumer relations.