The approaching end of the year is a time to sum up and make new plans, including those regarding more frequent physical activity. Among 64% of exercisers, almost one out of three admit that they have problems with maintaining a constant level of motivation. In turn, according to the latest MultiSport Index 2024: Sportcrastination report, which diagnoses the social tendency to postpone sport until later and presents practical ways to change it, one in three Poles are not physically active at all.
How Poles (don’t) exercise
The activity of Poles and WHO standards
Ready, steady, go!
The MultiSport Index 2024: Sportcrastination report quotes the following research: 1)Minds&Roses survey commissioned by Benefit Systems, 07.2024. MultiSport Index 2024. CATI quantitative survey conducted on a representative random nationwide sample of N=1,400 Poles aged 18+. 2) IRCenter survey commissioned by Benefit Systems, 07.2024, Reasons for practising and not practising sports by Poles. Qualitative research carried out in three locations, 15 (IDI) and 5 (FGI) with people with varying degrees of involvement in physical activity 3) IRCenter survey commissioned by Benefit Systems, 08.2024, Reasons for practising and not practising sports by Poles. CAWI quantitative survey conducted on a representative nationwide sample of N=1006 Poles
[1] MultiSport Index 2024: Sportcrastination report, [2] Ibidem [3], [4], [5] Ibidem, [6]