Nearly 1.5 million employees in Poland and on foreign markets already use the MultiSport Programme created by Benefit Systems. Sports cards offered as part of non-wage benefits are an important element in preventing diseases of affluence and supporting Poles in a healthy and active lifestyle.
The MultiSport Programme is one of the most popular benefits among employees. In the last quarter of 2019, 1,118,800 people throughout the country and 334,600 people on foreign markets (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Greece) used sports and recreation classes available as part of the MultiSport card. In total, 1,453,400 employees use the MultiSport Programme.
– Last year, the number of sports cards in Poland increased by 15.2%, which means 147,600 cards more, and on foreign markets – by as much as 50.1%, which means 111,600 cards more compared to 2018. This result is an effect of, among others, reaching small and medium-sized companies in various regions of Poland and a well-conducted holiday campaign which motivates MultiSport card users to use the programme offer in the summer months every year – explains Emilia Rogalewicz, Management Board Member at Benefit Systems responsible for selling the cards in Poland.
According to the MultiSport Index 2019 survey, currently 64% of Poles are physically active at least once a month (2% more than in 2018). There are more and more people in this group who are intensively involved in sports – as many as 19% of Poles train five times a week. This growth is driven by, among others, increasing availability of sports cards.
– Together with employers, we have been supporting physical activity of employees for several years now. We are pleased that each year the group of companies and institutions that support the health and good quality of their employees’ life through sports cards is growing – adds Emilia Rogalewicz. – Thanks to the MultiSport card, employees and their families have access to a variety of sports infrastructure, which has a positive impact on their activity level and openness to new forms of exercise.
Additional information on the number of cards in Poland and on foreign markets is available at
– Last year, the number of sports cards in Poland increased by 15.2%, which means 147,600 cards more, and on foreign markets – by as much as 50.1%, which means 111,600 cards more compared to 2018. This result is an effect of, among others, reaching small and medium-sized companies in various regions of Poland and a well-conducted holiday campaign which motivates MultiSport card users to use the programme offer in the summer months every year – explains Emilia Rogalewicz, Management Board Member at Benefit Systems responsible for selling the cards in Poland.
According to the MultiSport Index 2019 survey, currently 64% of Poles are physically active at least once a month (2% more than in 2018). There are more and more people in this group who are intensively involved in sports – as many as 19% of Poles train five times a week. This growth is driven by, among others, increasing availability of sports cards.
– Together with employers, we have been supporting physical activity of employees for several years now. We are pleased that each year the group of companies and institutions that support the health and good quality of their employees’ life through sports cards is growing – adds Emilia Rogalewicz. – Thanks to the MultiSport card, employees and their families have access to a variety of sports infrastructure, which has a positive impact on their activity level and openness to new forms of exercise.
Additional information on the number of cards in Poland and on foreign markets is available at