The Czech Factory Pro network has joined the portfolio of the Benefit Systems Group’s foreign fitness clubs

Benefit Systems increases its presence on the Czech fitness market and takes over two Factory Pro network clubs. After the acquisition, the number of the company’s own clubs in Prague will increase to 16 (19 throughout the country). The acquired clubs are very popular am...
Benefit Systems won three awards at the Smart Development Forum.

“Innovation comes out of the shadows. Networking for a good future of society” is the motto of the 9th edition of the Smart Development Forum, which focuses on the promotion and support of innovative solutions. As part of the event, Benefit Systems, the MultiLife brand a...
Conditional acquisition of the Flais network: Benefit Systems Group expands its portfolio of fitness clubs in Bulgaria.

The Flais network has 15 operating fitness clubs and 4 facilities under construction located in the capital of Bulgaria. It is a modern network with an attractive and wide range of sports activities that are very popular among MultiSport users. In the event of a positive...
The first Fabryka Formy club in Chorzów, the fifteenth in the Silesian province

On 13 June, the Fabryka Formy fitness club was opened in Chorzów. This is the first club of the network in this city and the fifteenth in the Silesian province. Thanks to comprehensive and professional equipment, a wide catalogue of group classes and an extensive relaxat...
Better life for current and future generations in the Benefit Systems Group ESG Strategy for 2024–2026.

Benefit Systems announces a new ESG Strategy for 2024–2026, which aims to strengthen the company’s commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility. The strategy focuses on three main pillars: society, business and the environment, emphasising the company’...
The MultiSport Summer Game is on!

The MultiSport Summer Game – a sports competition with attractive prizes for engaging in physical activity – has just started. In this year’s edition participants will be awarded for visiting sports facilities, exercising regularly, etc. The collected points can also be ...
The polycrisis is a challenge to the wellbeing of Poles. Conclusions from the latest report.

According to “The Wellbeing of Poles” report prepared by on behalf of Benefit Systems, we live in an era of polycrisis and we constantly experience stress and a sense of loneliness. As a result, only four out of 10 of us rate their wellbeing as good. H...
Report: The wellbeing of Poles requires support which will translate into business and the economy.

People aged 35–44 rate their wellbeing the lowest, and they constitute the basis of the professionally active Poles today. In the opinion of Polish residents, stress, which is an inherent element of the polycrisis world which we currently live in, has the greatest impact...
Report: The sandwich generation (35–44 years old) with the lowest level of wellbeing among Poles

According to “The wellbeing of Poles” report prepared by on behalf of Benefit Systems, the highest level of wellbeing is currently declared by Generation X, while the lowest – by people between 35 and 44 years of age from the so-called “sandwich genera...
The 100th ZDROFIT club is up and running!

In July, the Zdrofit network, drawing on almost 20 years of experience in encouraging and motivating a healthy and active lifestyle, opened its 100th club in Warsaw’s Żoliborz district.
The Czech Factory Pro network has joined the portfolio of the Benefit Systems Group’s foreign fitness clubs

Benefit Systems increases its presence on the Czech fitness market and takes over two Factory Pro network clubs. After the acquisition, the number of the company’s own clubs in Prague will increase to 16 (19 throughout the country). The acquired clubs are very popular am...
Benefit Systems won three awards at the Smart Development Forum.

“Innovation comes out of the shadows. Networking for a good future of society” is the motto of the 9th edition of the Smart Development Forum, which focuses on the promotion and support of innovative solutions. As part of the event, Benefit Systems, the MultiLife brand a...
Conditional acquisition of the Flais network: Benefit Systems Group expands its portfolio of fitness clubs in Bulgaria.

The Flais network has 15 operating fitness clubs and 4 facilities under construction located in the capital of Bulgaria. It is a modern network with an attractive and wide range of sports activities that are very popular among MultiSport users. In the event of a positive...
The first Fabryka Formy club in Chorzów, the fifteenth in the Silesian province

On 13 June, the Fabryka Formy fitness club was opened in Chorzów. This is the first club of the network in this city and the fifteenth in the Silesian province. Thanks to comprehensive and professional equipment, a wide catalogue of group classes and an extensive relaxat...
Better life for current and future generations in the Benefit Systems Group ESG Strategy for 2024–2026.

Benefit Systems announces a new ESG Strategy for 2024–2026, which aims to strengthen the company’s commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility. The strategy focuses on three main pillars: society, business and the environment, emphasising the company’...
The MultiSport Summer Game is on!

The MultiSport Summer Game – a sports competition with attractive prizes for engaging in physical activity – has just started. In this year’s edition participants will be awarded for visiting sports facilities, exercising regularly, etc. The collected points can also be ...
The polycrisis is a challenge to the wellbeing of Poles. Conclusions from the latest report.

According to “The Wellbeing of Poles” report prepared by on behalf of Benefit Systems, we live in an era of polycrisis and we constantly experience stress and a sense of loneliness. As a result, only four out of 10 of us rate their wellbeing as good. H...
Report: The wellbeing of Poles requires support which will translate into business and the economy.

People aged 35–44 rate their wellbeing the lowest, and they constitute the basis of the professionally active Poles today. In the opinion of Polish residents, stress, which is an inherent element of the polycrisis world which we currently live in, has the greatest impact...
Report: The sandwich generation (35–44 years old) with the lowest level of wellbeing among Poles

According to “The wellbeing of Poles” report prepared by on behalf of Benefit Systems, the highest level of wellbeing is currently declared by Generation X, while the lowest – by people between 35 and 44 years of age from the so-called “sandwich genera...
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